General Questions
The exact start times at each field will be determined when we make the schedule and depend on how many teams we have. The earliest start times we will have will be 6:30 and the latest start times will be 9:00. If your team has difficulties with certains times because of work schedules etc you can make a special request in the registration system. We can usually get most of the requests in.
We have a 15 player minimum (4 female) and you have 10 players on the field at game. Everyone can be in the kicking line-up and you can rotate fielders. We will not put excess free agents on your roster unless you ask for them. We want you to get a lot of playing time.
You can play with as few as seven players as long as two are female. If you know you won't have enough for a particular game please let us know as soon as possible so we can contact your opponent. We never want anyone to show up at the field and not have an opponent to play! If we know early enough we can attempt to reschedule the game so you won't miss playing!
We always do our best to make the fields playable. It sucks when you can't play because it rained the day before and the fields are muddy. We try to get to the fields early and we will do anything we can to make the fields playing. If it't raining or the fields are in unplayable or dangerous conditions we will post rainouts on our Facebook page, our rainout phone line and our text messaging system.
We have the loyalty program for our customers. It allows our members to receive additional bonuses according to their training program and membership. The most popular and frequent bonuses are discounts on various workouts and annual membership. Contact our managers to find out more.
The number of teams in the playoffs depend on how many rainouts we have an how many teams are in your division. We will put as many teams in the playoffs as we can fit on the fields! Thw winner will get a bar gift card (or cash) and a large engraved boot full or Miller Lite!
You can bring dogs to every field except for the turf field in Patterson Park. The City has a no dog rule there because they wan't to be extra careful in protecting the fields. Sooner or later a dog would get loose and run all over the turf :(
If you are registering as an individual or small group we will add you to teams needing players or we will create a Free Agent team. We won't overload teams with players so you will get plenty of playing time when we add you to a team. Our teams are very friendly! We wait til teams get their rosters together and we add free agents to teams after the registration deadling. We will notify everyone by email.
We will post all of the bar specials on the website, Facebook and we will also email everyone before the season starts!